test new file Server Time Global Value Time Elapsed
Select Trading Case

Trading Name


Security Position Last Value Position Value Overall Gain Loss
Enter Ticker and Click Go
Select Trade Type
Enter Quantity
Item Value Item Value
Ticker Order ID
Price Order Type
Quantity Trade Type
Order ID Ticker Order Type Price Quantity
Select Task and Click Go
Security Name

Select Currency
Select Analytic
Enter tickers
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Ticker Security Name Quote Trade

Enter Ticker and Click Go
Select Filing and Click Go
Select Statement and Click Go

A cell contains stocks with values between the number shown and the next cell's value for each field. Click on cells to select them, the results show the stocks that match your selections. A green cell is something you clicked, a red cell means nothing in that cell is possible given your choices. If you click on cells in multiple rows, the number of stocks satisfying all your choices typically becomes smaller. If you click on multiple cells in a row, the number of stocks satisfying your choices typically becomes larger. The results depend on the order in which you click. Click the Restart icon to clear selections.

Click on cells to select them and see the results on the right.